Lies Quotes

Most popular lies quotes

In human relations kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths. - Graham Greene quote.
In human relations kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths.

relationships honesty kindness

The principle difference between a cat and a lie is that the cat has only nine lives. - Mark Twain quote.
The principle difference between a cat and a lie is that the cat has only nine lives.
A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.


What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you. - Friedrich Nietzsche quote.
What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you.
We always weaken whatever we exaggerate. - Jean-François de La Harpe quote.
We always weaken whatever we exaggerate.


We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves. - Eric Hoffer quote.
We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.

self-deception lying

Men hate those to whom they have to lie. - Victor Hugo quote.
Men hate those to whom they have to lie.

human nature

The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh quote.
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.
When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback.


Everything that deceives may be said to enchant. - Plato quote.
Everything that deceives may be said to enchant.


Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but they usually quarrel among themselves. - Daniel Webster quote.
Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but they usually quarrel among themselves.
The child is sincere, and the man when he is alone, if he be not a writer, but on the entrance of the second person hypocrisy begins. - Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.
The child is sincere, and the man when he is alone, if he be not a writer, but on the entrance of the second person hypocrisy begins.


Of lies, false modesty is the most decent. - Nicolas Chamfort quote.
Of lies, false modesty is the most decent.


Without lies humanity would perish of despair and boredom. - Anatole France quote.
Without lies humanity would perish of despair and boredom.
A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. - Baltasar Gracian quote.
A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.
A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in. - H. R. Haldeman quote.
Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in.
Lies, though many, will be caught by the truth as soon as she rises up.
— African proverb

proverbs African proverbs

A multitude of words cloaks a lie.
— African proverb

proverbs African proverbs

Truth came to market and could not be sold; we buy lies with ready cash.
— African proverb

African proverbs proverbs truth

One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.
— African proverb

falsehood African proverbs proverbs

Bitter truth is better than sweet falsehood.
— African proverb

African proverbs proverbs truth

A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. - Hector Hugh Munro quote.
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.

white lies accuracy

The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyone's comfort.


False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the world with evil. - Plato quote.
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the world with evil.


Falsehood is often rocked by truth, but she soon outgrows her cradle and discards her nurse. - C. C. Colton quote.
Falsehood is often rocked by truth, but she soon outgrows her cradle and discards her nurse.


Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it. - Jonathan Swift quote.
Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.


Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves. - Daniel Webster quote.
Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves.


The lie that flatters I abhor the most. - William Cowper quote.
The lie that flatters I abhor the most.


Another instance of unconscious humor was of the Sunday school boy who defined a lie as "An abomination before the Lord and an ever present help in time of trouble." - Mark Twain quote.
Another instance of unconscious humor was of the Sunday school boy who defined a lie as "An abomination before the Lord and an ever present help in time of trouble."


I love you and, because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies. - Pietro Aretino quote.
I love you and, because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.

truth love

And, after all, what is a Lie?  'Tis but
The truth in masquerade. - Lord Byron quote.
And, after all, what is a Lie?  'Tis but
The truth in masquerade.
The lie is the basic building block of good manners. - Quentin Crisp quote.
The lie is the basic building block of good manners.
Quentin Crisp Manners from Heaven: A Divine Guide to Good Behavior


When you base your life upon a lie,
You carry weights until you die.
There are lying looks, as well as lying words; dissembling smiles, deceiving signs, and even a lying silence.
Ellin Devis The Accidence, or First Rudiments of English Grammar
Like all valuable commodities, truth is often counterfeited. - Rev. J. M. Gibbon quote.
Like all valuable commodities, truth is often counterfeited.


The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one. - Adolf Hitler quote.
The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one.

the public

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. quote.
Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.


Sometimes a lie is heavenly, and truth infernal. - Herman Melville quote.
Sometimes a lie is heavenly, and truth infernal.
That lies should be necessary to life is part and parcel of the terrible and questionable character of existence. - Friedrich Nietzsche quote.
That lies should be necessary to life is part and parcel of the terrible and questionable character of existence.
A lie is a breach of promise; for whoever seriously addresses his discourse to another, tacitly promises to speak the truth, because he knows that the truth is expected. - William Paley quote.
A lie is a breach of promise; for whoever seriously addresses his discourse to another, tacitly promises to speak the truth, because he knows that the truth is expected.
William Paley The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy


A lie is an abomination unto the Lord, and an ever present help in times of trouble. - Adlai Stevenson quote.
A lie is an abomination unto the Lord, and an ever present help in times of trouble.
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. - Robert Louis Stevenson quote.
The cruelest lies are often told in silence.

speak your mind

A lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright;
But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson quote.
A lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright;
But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight.
One man lies in his words, and gets a bad reputation; another in his manners, and enjoys a good one. - Henry David Thoreau quote.
One man lies in his words, and gets a bad reputation; another in his manners, and enjoys a good one.
You can't pray a lie. - Mark Twain quote.
You can't pray a lie.
Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


It is often the case that a man who can't tell a lie thinks that he is the best judge of one. - Mark Twain quote.
It is often the case that a man who can't tell a lie thinks that he is the best judge of one.
Lies are the mortar that bind the savage individual man into the social masonry. - H. G. Wells quote.
Lies are the mortar that bind the savage individual man into the social masonry.
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake. - Margot Asquith quote.
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake.

white lies

What does the truth matter?  Haven't we mothers all given our sons a taste for lies, lies which from the cradle upwards lull them, reassure them, send them to sleep: lies as soft and warm as a breast! - Georges Bernanos quote.
What does the truth matter?  Haven't we mothers all given our sons a taste for lies, lies which from the cradle upwards lull them, reassure them, send them to sleep: lies as soft and warm as a breast!

white lies

All lies disgrace a gentleman, white or black; although I grant there is a difference.  To say the least of it, it is a dangerous habit, for white lies are but the gentleman ushers to black ones. - Frederick Marryat quote.
All lies disgrace a gentleman, white or black; although I grant there is a difference.  To say the least of it, it is a dangerous habit, for white lies are but the gentleman ushers to black ones.

white lies

Those that think it permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blind. - Austin O'Malley quote.
Those that think it permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blind.

white lies

The perjurer's mother told white lies. - Austin O'Malley quote.
The perjurer's mother told white lies.

white lies

White lies always introduce others of a darker complexion. - William Paley quote.
White lies always introduce others of a darker complexion.
William Paley The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy

white lies

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. - Winston Churchill quote.
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

propaganda fake news

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. - Adolf Hitler quote.
The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.

fake news propaganda

The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie. - Joseph Schumpeter quote.
The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie.
