P. D. James Quotes

Most popular P. D. James Quotes

What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give. - P. D. James quote.
What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give.
— P. D. James Time To Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography

parenting Giving

Great literature cannot grow from a neglected or impoverished soil. - P. D. James quote.
Great literature cannot grow from a neglected or impoverished soil.
— P. D. James Daily Telegraph


A cup of tea, the British specific against disaster, grief and shock. - P. D. James quote.
A cup of tea, the British specific against disaster, grief and shock.


Christmas, that annual celebration of parental guilt and juvenile greed. - P. D. James quote.
Christmas, that annual celebration of parental guilt and juvenile greed.


What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order. - P. D. James quote.
What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order.
— P. D. James The Face

stories writing

Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion, and fear. - P. D. James quote.
Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion, and fear.
— P. D. James Sunday Times

creativity despotism

Perfect love may cast our fear, but fear is remarkably potent in casting out love. - P. D. James quote.
Perfect love may cast our fear, but fear is remarkably potent in casting out love.
— P. D. James Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography


Ambition, if it were to be savored, let alone achieved, had to be rooted in possibility. - P. D. James quote.
Ambition, if it were to be savored, let alone achieved, had to be rooted in possibility.


If from infancy you treat children as gods they are liable in adulthood to act as devils. - P. D. James quote.
If from infancy you treat children as gods they are liable in adulthood to act as devils.


Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up. - P. D. James quote.
Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.
— P. D. James Devices and Desires


Gossip...was like any other commodity in the marketplace. You received it only if you had something of value to give. - P. D. James quote.
Gossip...was like any other commodity in the marketplace. You received it only if you had something of value to give.


Childhood is the one prison from which there's no escape, the one sentence from which there's no appeal.  We all serve our time. - P. D. James quote.
Childhood is the one prison from which there's no escape, the one sentence from which there's no appeal.  We all serve our time.
— P. D. James Innocent Blood


Jealousy, he thought, was as physical as fear; the same dryness of the mouth, the thudding heart, the restlessness which destroyed appetite and peace. - P. D. James quote.
Jealousy, he thought, was as physical as fear; the same dryness of the mouth, the thudding heart, the restlessness which destroyed appetite and peace.
— P. D. James Death of an Expert Witness


He said that was one of the things he deplored about the loss of religion, it meant that people elevated politics into a religious faith and that was dangerous. - P. D. James quote.
He said that was one of the things he deplored about the loss of religion, it meant that people elevated politics into a religious faith and that was dangerous.

religion and politics

Charm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine; it may be superficial but it isn't false. - P. D. James quote.
Charm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine; it may be superficial but it isn't false.


Children live in occupied territory.  The brave and the foolhardy openly rebel against authority, whether harsh or benign. But most tread warily, outwardly accommodating themselves to alien mores and edicts while living in secret their iconoclastic and subversive lives. - P. D. James quote.
Children live in occupied territory.  The brave and the foolhardy openly rebel against authority, whether harsh or benign. But most tread warily, outwardly accommodating themselves to alien mores and edicts while living in secret their iconoclastic and subversive lives.
— P. D. James Time To Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography
