Marc Chagall Quotes

Most popular Marc Chagall Quotes

Great art picks up where nature ends. - Marc Chagall quote.
Great art picks up where nature ends.
— Marc Chagall


Art seems to me above all a state of soul. - Marc Chagall quote.
Art seems to me above all a state of soul.
— Marc Chagall My Life


All I know is that one understands, only what one loves. - Marc Chagall quote.
All I know is that one understands, only what one loves.
— Marc Chagall
If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing. - Marc Chagall quote.
If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.

artists head and heart

You cannot explain me with 'isms.' They are very bad for an artist. What one must believe in is color. - Marc Chagall quote.
You cannot explain me with 'isms.' They are very bad for an artist. What one must believe in is color.
— Marc Chagall
I don't know if color chose me or I chose color, but since childhood I've been married to color in its pure state. - Marc Chagall quote.
I don't know if color chose me or I chose color, but since childhood I've been married to color in its pure state.


In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love. - Marc Chagall quote.
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.
— Marc Chagall Chagall


The soil that had nourished the roots of my art was Vitebsk [his home town in Russia]; but my art needed Paris as much as a tree needs water. - Marc Chagall quote.
The soil that had nourished the roots of my art was Vitebsk [his home town in Russia]; but my art needed Paris as much as a tree needs water.
— Marc Chagall Chagall


Everything may change in our demoralized world except the heart, mankind's love, and our striving to know the divine. Painting, like all poetry, has its part in the divine; people feel this today just as much as they used to. - Marc Chagall quote.
Everything may change in our demoralized world except the heart, mankind's love, and our striving to know the divine. Painting, like all poetry, has its part in the divine; people feel this today just as much as they used to.
— Marc Chagall
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art.  It is the color of love.
— Marc Chagall Chagall by Chagall
