Isak Dinesen Quotes

Most popular Isak Dinesen Quotes

The divine art is the story. - Isak Dinesen quote.
The divine art is the story.
— Isak Dinesen Last Tales


A great artist is never poor. - Isak Dinesen quote.
A great artist is never poor.
— Isak Dinesen Anecdotes of Destiny


Who tells a finer tale than any of us. Silence does. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Who tells a finer tale than any of us. Silence does.
— Isak Dinesen
The entire being of a woman is a secret which should be kept. - Isak Dinesen quote.
The entire being of a woman is a secret which should be kept.
— Isak Dinesen


The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak Dinesen quote.
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.
— Isak Dinesen Reader’s Digest

sweat tears

All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them. - Isak Dinesen quote.
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them.
— Isak Dinesen The Human Condition

stories sorrow

Man and woman are two locked caskets, of which each contains the key to the other. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Man and woman are two locked caskets, of which each contains the key to the other.
— Isak Dinesen Winter’s Tales

men and women

Death—a passage outside the range of imagination, but within the range of experience. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Death—a passage outside the range of imagination, but within the range of experience.
— Isak Dinesen Out of Africa


If only I could so live and so serve the world that after me there should never again be birds in cages. - Isak Dinesen quote.
If only I could so live and so serve the world that after me there should never again be birds in cages.
— Isak Dinesen Seven Gothic Tales


Upon the library shelves tall tomes, with their backs to the world, preserved the ponderous knowledge of ages. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Upon the library shelves tall tomes, with their backs to the world, preserved the ponderous knowledge of ages.
— Isak Dinesen Last Tales


Man reaches the highest point of lovableness at 12 to 17 - to get it back, in a second flowering, at the age of 70 to 90. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Man reaches the highest point of lovableness at 12 to 17 - to get it back, in a second flowering, at the age of 70 to 90.
— Isak Dinesen
Where the storyteller is loyal, eternally and unswervingly loyal to the story, there, in the end, silence will speak. Where the story has been betrayed, silence is but emptiness. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Where the storyteller is loyal, eternally and unswervingly loyal to the story, there, in the end, silence will speak. Where the story has been betrayed, silence is but emptiness.
— Isak Dinesen


Some travelers are drawn forward by a goal lying before them in the way iron is drawn to the magnet.  Others are driven on by a force lying behind them.  In such a way the bowstring makes the arrow fly. - Isak Dinesen quote.
Some travelers are drawn forward by a goal lying before them in the way iron is drawn to the magnet.  Others are driven on by a force lying behind them.  In such a way the bowstring makes the arrow fly.
— Isak Dinesen Last Tales


I had time after time watched the progression across the plain of the Giraffe, in their queer, inimitable, vegetative gracefulness, as if it were not a herd of animals but a family of rare, long-stemmed, speckled gigantic flowers slowly advancing. - Isak Dinesen quote.
I had time after time watched the progression across the plain of the Giraffe, in their queer, inimitable, vegetative gracefulness, as if it were not a herd of animals but a family of rare, long-stemmed, speckled gigantic flowers slowly advancing.
— Isak Dinesen Out of Africa
