Plutarch Quotes
Most popular Plutarch Quotes

Painting is silent poetry.

Philosophy is the art of living.

All life is but a moment in time.

Reasonable men are open to persuasion.

Character is simply habit long continued.

Moderation is best, so avoid all extremes.

Be ruled by time, the wisest counselor of all.

Adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.

Music, to create harmony, must investigate discord.

Medicine, to produce health, has to examine disease.

Whoever tries for great objects must suffer something.

A sage thing is timely silence, and better than any speech.

He can never speak well, who knows not how to hold his peace.

Forgetfulness transforms every occurrence into a non-occurrence.

It is futile to rail at circumstances, for they are indifferent.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.

Those who are greedy of praise prove that they are poor in merit.

He is a fool who lets slip a bird in the hand for a bird in the bush.

Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.

We are more sensible of what is done against custom than against Nature.

For to err in opinion, though it be not the part of wise men, is at least human.

A word or a nod from the good, has more weight than the eloquent speeches of others.

The ruler is indeed happy who has made his subjects afraid, not of him, but for him.

It is certainly desirable to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors.

The ripeness of adolescence is prodigal in pleasures, skittish, and in need of a bridle.

So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history.

Courage consists not in hazarding without fear, but being resolutely minded in a just cause.

The first evil that attends those who know not how to be silent, is, that they hear nothing.

It is indeed a desirable thing to be well-descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors.

Though the boys throw stones at frogs in sport, yet the frogs do not die in sport but in earnest.

The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in the felicity of lighting on good education.

The rotation of the universe and motion of the planets could neither be nor continue without music.

It is circumstance and proper measure that give an action its character, and make it either good or bad.

I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.

Good fortune will elevate even petty minds, and give them the appearance of a certain greatness and stateliness.

Dionysius the Elder, being asked whether he was at leisure, replied, 'God forbid that it should ever befall me!'

Truly noble and resolved spirit raises itself; and becomes more conspicuous in times of disaster and ill fortune.

All men whilst they are awake are in one common world: but each of them, when he is asleep, is in a world of his own.

The whole life of a man is but a point of time; let us enjoy it, therefore, while it lasts, and not spend it to no purpose.

When Alexander the Great asked Diogenes whether he wanted anything, 'Yes,' said he, 'I would have you stand from between me and the sun.'

Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

Perserverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

The man who is completely wise and virtuous has no need of glory, except so far as it disposes and eases his way to action by the greater trust that it procures him.

Of two who made love to his daughter, he preferred the man of worth to the one who was rich, saying he desired a man without riches, rather than riches without a man.

The mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent desire for the truth.

Talkative men who wish to be loved are hated; when they desire to please, they bore; when they think they are admired, they are laughed at; they injure their friends, benefit their enemies, and ruin themselves.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.