Nicholas Sparks Quotes
Most popular Nicholas Sparks Quotes

Good deeds leads to more good deeds which can lead to more good deeds that will eventually lead back to you.

Passion is passion. It's the excitement between the tedious spaces, and it doesn't matter where it's directed.

Love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.

Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there's nothing to make it last.

"My dad always said that when you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."

And when her lips met mine, I knew that I could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when I first kissed the girl of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever.