Lillian Eichler Quotes

Most popular Lillian Eichler Quotes

Flattery, of a tactful sort, is sometimes useful in conversation.  But too much flattery is like too much sugar: it sickens.
— Lillian Eichler The New Book of Etiquette


Politics and religion are dangerous subjects, for they may cause ill feeling even in the most cultivated company. Illness, death, and disaster are unpleasant, and consequently should be avoided.
— Lillian Eichler The Book of Conversation, Vol. 1

religion and politics

No one can become a good conversationalist without tact. It is the sensitive touch that recognizes when a subject has become distasteful, which sees the eagerness of someone else to say something, which notes the slightest cloud of expression crossing another's face.
— Lillian Eichler The Book of Conversation

conversation tact