Jose Martí Quotes

Most popular Jose Martí Quotes

Women are poets, by just being women. - Jose Martí quote.
Women are poets, by just being women.
— Jose Martí
A grain of poetry suffices to season a century. - Jose Martí quote.
A grain of poetry suffices to season a century.
— Jose Martí Dedication of the Statue of Liberty


Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas. - Jose Martí quote.
Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas.
— Jose Martí


Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stones. - Jose Martí quote.
Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stones.
— Jose Martí Our America


An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life. - Jose Martí quote.
An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life.
— Jose Martí


Just as he who gives his life to serve a great idea is admirable, he who avails himself of a great idea to serve his personal hopes of glory and power is abominable, even if he too risks his life. - Jose Martí quote.
Just as he who gives his life to serve a great idea is admirable, he who avails himself of a great idea to serve his personal hopes of glory and power is abominable, even if he too risks his life.
— Jose Martí

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