Cryptocurrency Quotes

Most popular cryptocurrency quotes

The winning "store of value" cryptocurrency will be the one that is most decentralized. - Naval Ravikant quote.
The winning "store of value" cryptocurrency will be the one that is most decentralized.
If you don't need (true) decentralization, you don't need a blockchain. - Naval Ravikant quote.
If you don't need (true) decentralization, you don't need a blockchain.
Proof-of-Work electricity is the cost of decentralized currency. Inflation is the cost of centralized currency. Which is cheaper? - Naval Ravikant quote.
Proof-of-Work electricity is the cost of decentralized currency. Inflation is the cost of centralized currency. Which is cheaper?


If you have to demonstrate why something that has never been a currency, and is not currently used as a currency, will some day become a currency, it will never be a currency.