Robert South Quotes

Most popular Robert South Quotes

Innocence is like polished armor; it adorns and defends.
— Robert South
People must love the truth before they thoroughly believe it.
— Robert South
The soul and spirit that animates and keeps up society is mutual trust.
— Robert South
All love has something of blindness in it, but the love of money especially.
— Robert South
Defeat should never be a source of discouragement but rather a fresh stimulus.
— Robert South


If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.
— Robert South
A man who has published an injurious book sins, as it were, in his grave; corrupts others, while he is rotting himself.
— Robert South
All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things.
— Robert South Twelve Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions


Never enter into a league of friendship with an ungrateful person.  That is, plant not thy friendship upon a dunghill.  It is too noble a plant for so base a soil.
— Robert South Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions
