Learned Hand Quotes

Most popular Learned Hand Quotes

Thou shalt not ration justice. - Learned Hand quote.
Thou shalt not ration justice.
— Learned Hand


Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment. - Learned Hand quote.
Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment.
— Learned Hand Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. National Carbide Co.


In the end it is worse to suppress dissent than to run the risk of heresy. - Learned Hand quote.
In the end it is worse to suppress dissent than to run the risk of heresy.
— Learned Hand The Bill of Rights


Justice is the tolerable accommodation of the conflicting interests of society. - Learned Hand quote.
Justice is the tolerable accommodation of the conflicting interests of society.
— Learned Hand
Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers. - Learned Hand quote.
Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers.
— Learned Hand

action life answers

This much I think I do know—that a society so riven that the spirit of moderation is gone, no court can save. - Learned Hand quote.
This much I think I do know—that a society so riven that the spirit of moderation is gone, no court can save.
— Learned Hand The Contribution of an Independent Judiciary to Civilization


A wise man once said, Convention is like the shell to the chick, a protection till he is strong enough to break it through. - Learned Hand quote.
A wise man once said, Convention is like the shell to the chick, a protection till he is strong enough to break it through.
— Learned Hand
Life is made up of a series of judgments on insufficient data, and if we waited to run down all our doubts, it would flow past us. - Learned Hand quote.
Life is made up of a series of judgments on insufficient data, and if we waited to run down all our doubts, it would flow past us.
— Learned Hand

life decision-making

Our dangers, as it seems to me, are not from the outrageous but from the conforming...from those, the mass of us, who take their virtues and their tastes, like their shirts and their furniture, from the limited patterns which the market offers. - Learned Hand quote.
Our dangers, as it seems to me, are not from the outrageous but from the conforming...from those, the mass of us, who take their virtues and their tastes, like their shirts and their furniture, from the limited patterns which the market offers.
— Learned Hand The Spirit of Liberty
