James Branch Cabell Quotes

Most popular James Branch Cabell Quotes

Trapped dreams must die. - James Branch Cabell quote.
Trapped dreams must die.
— James Branch Cabell The Certain Hour


Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is. - James Branch Cabell quote.
Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.
— James Branch Cabell


Poetry is a man's rebellion against being what he is. - James Branch Cabell quote.
Poetry is a man's rebellion against being what he is.
— James Branch Cabell
Virtue has always been conceived of as victorious resistance to one's vital desire. - James Branch Cabell quote.
Virtue has always been conceived of as victorious resistance to one's vital desire.
— James Branch Cabell Beyond Life


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true. - James Branch Cabell quote.
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true.
— James Branch Cabell

optimism pessimism

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.
— James Branch Cabell The Silver Stallion

optimism pessimism