Hippocrates Quotes

Most popular Hippocrates Quotes

Art is long and life is short. - Hippocrates quote.
Art is long and life is short.
— Hippocrates
Sport is a preserver of health. - Hippocrates quote.
Sport is a preserver of health.
— Hippocrates


To do nothing is also a good remedy. - Hippocrates quote.
To do nothing is also a good remedy.
— Hippocrates


To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. - Hippocrates quote.
To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy.
— Hippocrates

medicine cures

Sometimes give your services for nothing. - Hippocrates quote.
Sometimes give your services for nothing.
— Hippocrates


Everything in excess is opposed to nature. - Hippocrates quote.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
— Hippocrates
The life so short, the craft so long to learn. - Hippocrates quote.
The life so short, the craft so long to learn.
— Hippocrates
Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food. - Hippocrates quote.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.
— Hippocrates
For extreme illnesses extreme remedies are must fitting. - Hippocrates quote.
For extreme illnesses extreme remedies are must fitting.
— Hippocrates


Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases. - Hippocrates quote.
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.
— Hippocrates
I will not give any woman the instrument to procure abortion. - Hippocrates quote.
I will not give any woman the instrument to procure abortion.
— Hippocrates


Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance. - Hippocrates quote.
Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.
— Hippocrates


Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there also is love of humanity. - Hippocrates quote.
Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there also is love of humanity.
— Hippocrates
For where there is love for mankind, there is also love of the art of healing. - Hippocrates quote.
For where there is love for mankind, there is also love of the art of healing.
— Hippocrates
Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. - Hippocrates quote.
Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
— Hippocrates
Time is that wherein there is opportunity, and opportunity is that wherein there is no great time. - Hippocrates quote.
Time is that wherein there is opportunity, and opportunity is that wherein there is no great time.
— Hippocrates


A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. And learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses. - Hippocrates quote.
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. And learn how, by his own thought, to derive benefit from his illnesses.
— Hippocrates
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. - Hippocrates quote.
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.
— Hippocrates


A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.
— Hippocrates
