Fanny Burney Quotes
Most popular Fanny Burney Quotes

But how cool, how quiet is true courage!

Innocence, the first, best gift of Heaven.

A little alarm now and then keeps life from stagnation.

Misery is a guest that we are glad to part with, however certain of her speedy return.

To a heart formed for friendship and affection the charms of solitude are very short-lived.

Generosity without delicacy, like wit without judgment, generally gives as much pain as pleasure.

Travelling is the ruin of all happiness! There's no looking at a building here after seeing Italy.

Nothing is so delicate as the reputation of a woman; it is at once the most beautiful and most brittle of all human things.

Imagination took the reins, and reason, slow-paced, though sure-footed, was unequal to a race with so eccentric and flighty a companion.

Wealth, indeed, per se, I never too much valued, and my acquaintance with its possessors has by no means increased my veneration for it.

To save the mind from preying inwardly upon itself, it must be encouraged to some outward pursuit. There is no other way to elude apathy, or escape discontent; none other to guard the temper from that quarrel with itself, which ultimately ends in quarreling with all mankind.