Epicurus Quotes

Most popular Epicurus Quotes

Pleasure is the greatest good. - Epicurus quote.
Pleasure is the greatest good.
— Epicurus
Only the just man enjoys peace of mind. - Epicurus quote.
Only the just man enjoys peace of mind.
— Epicurus
The art of living well and the art of dying well are one. - Epicurus quote.
The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.
— Epicurus
The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it. - Epicurus quote.
The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it.
— Epicurus

difficulties glory

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. - Epicurus quote.
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
— Epicurus
The man least dependent upon the morrow goes to meet the morrow most cheerfully. - Epicurus quote.
The man least dependent upon the morrow goes to meet the morrow most cheerfully.
— Epicurus
Launch your boat, blessed youth, and flee at full speed from every form of culture. - Epicurus quote.
Launch your boat, blessed youth, and flee at full speed from every form of culture.
— Epicurus


It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help. - Epicurus quote.
It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.
— Epicurus


Natural wealth is limited and easily obtained; the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach. - Epicurus quote.
Natural wealth is limited and easily obtained; the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach.
— Epicurus
The mind that is much elevated and insolent with prosperity, and cast down by adversity, is generally abject and base. - Epicurus quote.
The mind that is much elevated and insolent with prosperity, and cast down by adversity, is generally abject and base.
— Epicurus
As the touchstone which tries gold, but is not itself tried by gold, such is a man who has the true standard of judgment. - Epicurus quote.
As the touchstone which tries gold, but is not itself tried by gold, such is a man who has the true standard of judgment.
— Epicurus
When we have only a little we should be satisfied; for this reason, that those best enjoy abundance who are contented with the least. - Epicurus quote.
When we have only a little we should be satisfied; for this reason, that those best enjoy abundance who are contented with the least.
— Epicurus
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for. - Epicurus quote.
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.