Beryl Bainbridge Quotes

Most popular Beryl Bainbridge Quotes

Some people like being burdened.  It gives them an interest. - Beryl Bainbridge quote.
Some people like being burdened.  It gives them an interest.
— Beryl Bainbridge An Awfully Big Adventure: A Novel
The older one becomes the quicker the present fades into sepia and the past looms up in glorious technicolor. - Beryl Bainbridge quote.
The older one becomes the quicker the present fades into sepia and the past looms up in glorious technicolor.
— Beryl Bainbridge The Observer

age the past memory

Childhood is a thing that happens so early you don't forget it.  Everything else you grow out of, but you never recover from childhood. - Beryl Bainbridge quote.
Childhood is a thing that happens so early you don't forget it.  Everything else you grow out of, but you never recover from childhood.
— Beryl Bainbridge
